Weather in Japan

Weather in Japan

The weather in Japan varies significantly by season and by region. Before heading to Japan, it’s a good idea to check the forecast for the areas in which you’ll be traveling. Refer to our Climate of Japan section for a general overview of Japan’s weather.

Be sure to pay particular attention to the rainy and typhoon seasons of June and September as times when Japan’s weather may spoil your sightseeing plans, and spring and autumn as the best times to go to see Japan accented in its full splendor with cherry blossoms in the spring and gorgeous fall colors in the autumn.

Japan’s weather can also be quite volatile from day to day. For your convenience, we have provided you with current Weather Channel forecasts for the major regions of Japan.

Current weather in Tokyo, Japan


Current weather in Osaka, Japan


Current weather in Kyoto, Japan


Current weather in Sapporo, Japan


Current weather in Nagasaki, Japan


Current weather in Okinawa, Japan

